Saturday, February 16, 2008

Craig's List February 16

It is Saturday morning, February 16:  31 days into the voyage.  This morning we crossed the Greenwich Meridian so we are now in the Eastern Hemisphere.  That makes three significant crossings in the past couple of weeks- the equator, the Greenwich Meridian, and the Tropic of Capricorn.  We continue to advance clocks every other day to keep up.  Two more advances to go until we reach Capetown on Tuesday. 
This is typhoon season in the southern Indian Ocean- they have had three typhoons in the past three weeks with Ivan being the latest.  Hopefully we will dodge any major storms on our way around the Cape.  We have experienced some significant swells the past couple of days- 3 to 4 meters with 30 knot winds.  A little rain but overall sunny and clear.  Sailors use the Beaufort Scale to describe wind velocity based on observed sea conditions.  The scale goes from 0 to 12 (calm to hurricane).  We have been at a 6 for about three days.  Today is a 3 so all is well! 
The four deans (Kenn, Max, Maria, and me) had an impromptu dinner with the Captain on February 13.  Stacey and I and another couple- Bryan and Kim (professors from Utah) celebrated valentine's day together. 
Neptune Day was an interesting experience.  It started at 0700 with crew members dressed in costume parading through the ship's corridors pounding drums and pans.  Students proceeded to the 7th deck aft- pool deck- and were greeted by King Neptune, Queen Minerva, a court of Goddesses, and the Royal Torturer (me).  After some pronouncements by the King, all pollywogs who wanted to become shellbacks were doused in a foul smelling concoction (the ingredients still unknown but included pureed fish entrails for sure) and then jumped into the pool to "rinse off".  You can imagine after a few rinsings, the pool was almost as bad as the concoction....After climbing out of the pool, pollywogs continued their journey by kissing the fish, kneeling before the King, and kissing his ring.  Those completing the gauntlet earned shellback status and over fifty shellbacks decided to further demonstrate their loyalty to the King by shaving their heads.
The Ullom's fully participated in this passage (with the exception of the head shaving, although Kelsey did trim her locks by a few inches).  Quite a day, indeed! 
We celebrated the 21st birthday of one of our extended family members by sharing a dinner and two cakes.  Our family now includes Hillary- from Miami University (OH), Rudy-from Emerson College, Jen- from the University of Pittsburgh, and Jay- from Queens University (Ontario).  There are about 250 students who have allowed themselves to be adopted by faculty, staff, or lifelong learners.  The community continues to build as we make this trek across the Atlantic.
I find myself to be busiest the days prior to a port and the day that students return to the ship prior to sailing.  The detailed logistical arrangements are significant challenges for the team and gratefully, we have wonderful folks who all pitch in to pull this off.  That's about it for now.  Stay tuned!

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