Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Craig's List February 12 Somewhere in the Atlantic

Craig's List


Brazil part two:  We enjoyed a performance of Afro-centric dance by the Agua de Deus Company.  The performance was held in a circular theatre outside and as such the audience was very close to the dancers.  Several audience members joined in for the finale.  Post-dance, we ventured upstairs to an open air restaurant, the Senec, in which culinary students prepared a buffet of 40 traditional Bahian dishes.


We were able to do some exploring around some very old churches (built in the 1700's) around Salvador. From the outside, the churches look rather plan and dilapidated.  On the inside one finds intricate carvings covered in gold leaf, paintings, tile murals, and some pretty amazing furniture. 


Before leaving Brazil, we dined at the Boi Preto grill, an amazing Churrasco near the ocean about 25 minutes from the ship.  In addition to wonderful cuts of beef, we had chicken, shrimp, lamb, pork, sausage, and sushi. We subsequently rolled out of the restaurant and returned to the ship in time for a 2145 departure.


Eric's birthday on board was pretty cool.  Families, students, faculty, staff, and crew members (including the Captain) showed up.  We had an ice cream cake and Eric loaded up on some presents wrapped in cobbled-together paper adding a special touch to the celebration.  


We are proceeding to Cape Town, enjoying beautiful weather and relatively calm seas. Prior to arriving in South Africa, the shipboard community will experience Neptune Day which we are celebrating on February 14.  During Neptune Day festivities, all pollywogs will pass through the gauntlet to become shellbacks.  Stay tuned on this one.  Our first activity in Cape Town will be to work on a Habitat for Humanity house and then take off on a 4 day safari based at the Kapama Buffalo Camp.  Until later….



1 comment:

tia Rosa said...

Eric, happy Birthday, sounds like you had a fun one!. Craig, what are pollywogs, gauntlets and shellbacks? Can't wait to hear about Neptune Day festivities. Safe sails to South Africa!